Therapeutic Services for ED Recovery

How We Will Work Together


We know that it’s a big step to even get to this point. Looking at the logistics of what it takes to actually get started with your first therapy session can feel overwhelming! 

While it can seem daunting to do anything for the first time, we hope to outline the process to make it as easy on you as possible.

So you’re ready to get started with therapy. Now what?

  • We currently have clinicians that take Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas, United, Aetna, and Multiplan PHCS. You can see which plans each clinician accepts on the contact page. If you’d like to pay out of pocket, you can skip to Step 3.

  • If you have one of the plans listed above, call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask about your in-network benefits. If you have another insurance other than what is listed above, you’ll want to ask what your out-of-network benefits are.

  • Once you’ve determined your benefits (or if you’re open to paying in full and out of pocket), then the next step is to contact us so that we can match you with the clinician who we think will be the best fit for you. Head on over to our contact page and complete the form.

  • We respond to every inquiry within 48 hours unless we are out of town; during those times we will set an automatic reply letting you know when we can get back to you.

  • After that initial call and determining when your first appointment will be, we’ll send over a link via SimplePractice with some required paperwork for you to complete prior to our first session.

  • There is nothing that you need to do to prepare in advance. The first session is about getting to know each other and setting up a foundation for our continuing work together.

  • After that first session, it’s all about continuing to show up for either weekly or bi-weekly sessions. (This might shift as you continue through your therapeutic journey.) There may be homework in between sessions, but your therapist will clearly communicate that to you. They will also work in tandem with your support team (parents, dietician, doctor, facility, psychiatrist, etc.).


Services we offer

  • Individual therapy

  • Couples therapy

  • Family therapy

  • Parent coaching

  • Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letters*

*We only write ESA letters for current clients. If you would like us to write you an ESA letter, please complete our contact form to become a client first.

Robert’s rates

  • Intro session (Insurance code: 90791) - $200

  • Subsequent sessions (Insurance code: 90837) - $175

For other clinicians:

  • Individual Supervision - $125

  • Group Supervision - $65

Jenny’s Rates

  • Intro session (Insurance code: 90791) - $210

  • Subsequent sessions (Insurance code: 90837) - $210

For other clinicians

  • Individual Supervision - $150

  • Group Supervision - $75

Catherine’s Rates

  • Intro session - Sliding scale up to $40

    Please note: Catherine is unable to provide super bills for insurance reimbursement until she is fully licensed)

  • Subsequent sessions - Sliding scale up to $40

 Other things to note

  • If you want to bring someone else with you, we need to know prior to the session. We will need their email so that we can send them paperwork to complete.

  • If you are unable to make a session, please contact your therapist as soon as possible as cancellation fees may apply.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Nope. We believe that restriction of food is at the base of all eating disorders, so focusing on weight loss is contraindicated in ED care. Intuitive Eating may change your weight (higher or lower), but weight loss is not the goal. We want to change the way you think about that number versus change the number.

  • If you would like to come to your first session feeling prepared, it can be helpful to spend some time before you arrive to take inventory of your thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and goals. If you have been to therapy previously, think about what has helped and/or hurt so we can reflect on it together. This may help us better meet your individual needs. You may also think about who you want us to talk to about your health history. This will help you know who to have sign a Release of Information (ROI) form for when you complete opening paperwork. But more than anything, come to your first session with an open mind and desire to change.

  • We take BCBS-TX, Aetna, United, and Multiplan PHCS. Robert is the only therapist who accepts United currently.

  • Insurance is a fantastic resource that allows many people to get the services they need that they may not afford otherwise. It is important to know that if you are using insurance to pay for therapy, the insurance company requires a client to have an official diagnosis. This diagnosis is accessible to people that will have the appropriate permissions to view your health history in the future and may or may not deny their services based on that diagnosis. We always like to be transparent about this from the very beginning. We also accept private pay (where you as the client pay out-of-pocket) for services if you would rather not disclose your diagnosis.

  • You will fill out your insurance information as part of our opening paperwork prior to the first session. You can also fill out the separate insurance form and call your insurance company for any necessary information ahead of time. Calling in advance greatly speeds up the process of filing and ensures that you and your therapist are clear on your benefits.

    Otherwise, we will file after your first session and then we have to wait to get payment expectations back once that claim has been approved. From there, we then charge the amount that your insurance plan allows. If you have an insurance plan that we are not in-network with, but you do have out-of-network benefits, we can provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance so you can get reimbursed for part of the session according to your individual plan. In this scenario, you pay your clinician’s full fee, file the claim, and then await reimbursement from your insurance provider.

  • Yes, insurance requires this. Also, some plans only cover certain diagnoses. This is why completing our insurance contact form can help both you and your clinician know ahead of time what is covered. Filling out the form takes about 10 minutes.

  • Confidentiality is one of the things that makes counseling so helpful. Clients can be free with their thoughts and emotions with little regard for consequences other than being helped to meet their therapeutic goals.

  • Your therapist is required by their licensure to break confidentiality in a few very specific situations. Those situations are:

    • If you report the abuse of children, persons with certain disabilities, and/or the elderly.

    • If you are actively homicidal or suicidal.

    • If we are presented with a subpoena for your records.

    • If a client commits a crime on the premises.

  • We ask each of the therapists on our team to allot a certain number of hours to provide reduced rates for clients. If you currently need a sliding scale option, please discuss this with your clinician.

  • We take our mission of helping people achieve their mental health goals very seriously. We work hard to stay up to date on what helps people recover from an evidence-based approach. We’ve also found that focusing on the relationships we build with our clients can actually make the process of therapy both enjoyable AND effective

  • Once a form is signed regarding online therapy (what is known as telehealth) we send an invitation to join an online session a few minutes prior to the scheduled session.

  • You must cancel with 24 hours advance notice or the full session fee will be charged.

  • In that initial session, we are really focused on getting to know you (and for you to also get to know us!). Most often we’ll establish goals for our time together and spend time gathering context for your experiences that shapes where you are today.

  • Every case is different, but most common is starting once a week and eventually tapering off as you continue to recover.

  • Anyone who wishes to file a complaint against a healthcare professional in Texas may call the Health Professions Council toll-free complaint referral system: 1-800-821-3205. This automated, statewide number routes a complainant to the appropriate licensing agency.

  • There are 6 parking spots. Each spot has a sign in front of it that says, “Visitor Parking 2 Hour Max.” If you don’t see a sign directly in front of the parking spot, it’s NOT visitor parking and your car could be towed. EveryBody hates being towed so please ensure you are parked in a visitor spot. There is also ample, metered street parking available through the Park ATX app.