Find Peace of Mind and Body

Experienced Eating Disorder Recovery Specialists

Every Body Counseling was founded by Jenny and Robert Harris; it was born from a shared desire to provide a safe space for those affected by eating disorders to fully recover, find peace with their bodies, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and learn to make choices that honor their values. 


Our goal is to guide clients on their journey to find hope and create a picture of what recovery will look like for them. We help clients understand what to expect from therapy as well as offer them insight into how their behaviors are or aren't moving them towards their goals.

Our job is to hold space for you that feels safe, respectful, and honest so you can be vulnerable and do the inner work this healing process necessitates. You get to show up as you are today, no filter required. We hope therapy can be a place where you feel truly heard, understood, and emotionally safe to work on learning new skills and overcoming behaviors that are harming you. 

EveryBody Counseling exists because of the great need created by a society that tends to push unhealthy priorities and create unhealthy relationships with food and body image. We want to grow a practice where people feel hopeful that they are not alone in their efforts to meet their mental health goals.


 Letting go of an ED can be scary. 

But we can help you truly learn that life is much better without it.


Our Methods

At EveryBody Counseling, we use a non-diet approach to treat conditions such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED), Body Dysmorphia, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), to name a few.


We strive to help you achieve peace with food through Intuitive Eating and peace with your body through Health at Every Size (HAES), a framework that helps you accept your body as it is now instead of changing it to try to fit society’s biased standards. We then work on creating new skills and coping mechanisms rooted in self-compassion in order to neutralize and quiet the negative self-talk that creates shame and fuels the ED.

EveryBody Counseling approaches eating disorder treatment from a place of non-judgment, sensitivity to the needs of the client, and a desire to find the root of the problem rather than just manage symptoms.

 Meet the Clinicians

Robert Harris (he/him/his)

Specialties: Eating Disorders in individuals and couples

I love clients who are ready for change and don't mind sharing some laughs on the way!

Jenny Slataper Harris (she/her/hers)


Specialties: Eating Disorders. Working with new moms. Supervising clinicians in training.

I love working with new moms and clients seeking full recovery from their eating disorders.

Kayla Hieb (she/her/hers)

Practicum Student at Adams State University

Specialties: Eating disorders. Trauma work.

I am excited to grow as a clinician, to connect with my clients, and to help them realize their strength and capability.


Our Accreditations include:

 Some of our favorite resources