Feeling Better Is Possible

ACHIEVE A LIFE where mental health is Manageable


 At Every Body Counseling, our goal is to help you learn the tools you need to be confident about managing your mental health.

We’re so glad you’re here because it means you’re hopeful for change.

You want to tackle your goals. You long to feel comfortable in your own skin. You’re ready to feel better. You deserve compassion. You deserve health. You deserve a life of peace. We work to ensure that Every Body Counseling is a safe place where you and your loved ones can heal.


Our Approach

We offer effective, accessible, and evidence-based therapy to people wanting to achieve their mental health goals and who want to feel at peace with their brain, bodies, food, and exercise. We work with people who are hoping to process through anxiety, depression, relationship dynamics, eating disorders, parenting, etc.


With decades of experience researching and treating a large variety of disorders, we approach treatment through a lens of client centered talk therapy.

Together, we work to reduce harmful narratives of self that greatly contribute to mental health struggles. This allows us to help the client replace those narratives with their true voice and value system.


We will help you develop new coping skills and change the way you think about and treat yourself. We believe that this is essential to finding peace and relief from mental health struggles. In order to provide the most effective, innovative, and compassionate treatment possible, we work in conjunction with your care team to develop a comprehensive plan to achieve your goals.

 You are strong and capable. You have immense, inherent value. And you can heal.

 ​​We are here to help when you are ready.

  • <autoplay speed=3></autoplay>“Jenny taught me so much about being authentic. I learned how to appreciate my body for all the ways that my body allows me to live a full life -and self-compassion is WAY better than self-hate.”

    Sarah W.

  • Robert, you have been wonderful to work with and I don't know if we would still be planning on getting married in a few months without this.

    Mark and Paul

  • Life changing.

    Ella K.

 Stay In Touch!